What makes the season special? Some highlights include pending time with loved ones, having time off to sleep in, the crisp air and the signs of winter, gathering with others to share a meal and hearing familiar Christmas carols being played around town. Many of us can relate to the joys that are upon us with this time of year. This is my first year at Harry Sayers Elementary. As December dawned on us, our school participated in the “Annual Food Drive.” Seeing an outpouring of generosity has touched me. Through my office window, I watched the giant watermelon box quickly fill with non-perishable items for the Abbotsford Food Bank. It didn’t take long before the box was overflowing, and we added a large shelving unit that I refer to as “the pantry” to keep the food before it is picked up on Friday.
I want to express my gratitude to this school community for your tremendous demonstration of generosity. You embody what this season is about- giving! I trust that as you enjoy the winter break, you will continue to find opportunities to extend generosity- with your time, talents, and resources. I feel proud knowing that as a school community, we are giving what we can to the broader community of Abbotsford. The students at Harry Sayers, along with their families, are what the world needs right now. On behalf of the staff at Harry Sayers Elementary, we want to wish you a joyous holiday. May your Winter Break be a memorable time for you and your family. Looking forward to hearing about these special stories when we return in the New Year!
Mrs. V. Fehr ( Vice Principal)