
January Thoughts

January 22, 2021

Happy New Year Message

Happy New Year Families and students of Harry Sayers, welcome back to the middle part of the school year. We hope you have all had a restful and safe holiday break. As we move into the new year, I want to share with you some highlights of the first term and news for the second term.

First, I would like to share with you some news about attendance. Despite the uncertainty of school start-up student attendance at school has been incredibly good. With good attendance comes good teaching and consistent learning. With the interruption to learning last Spring, this is great news as we will be able to catch our students up faster. The next good news is that our New Learning Commons or Library is almost complete, and the students and staff are enjoying the “new room” experience with lots of smiles and wonders. Lastly, I would like to thank you for watching our Christmas Show over the holiday. It was a great present for us as a staff that you took time to watch and share with your family.

As we are moving into the second term, I would like to remind families about our staggered start-up and dismissal. This continues in place to keep us safe from COVID 19 exposures. We continue to wash our hands regularly, play in our cohort groups, stagger our recess and lunch breaks and limit adults entering the building. We also appreciate your help in keeping sick children at home and erring on the side of caution when not sure.

Coming up in the New Year, we have Kindergarten registration starting January 18th. Please go to the school website to get information as there will be a new system due to COVID 19.